The world is filled with many great, thoughtful investors. Most are savvy at following the leads of others. Eager to be the first in line to write the second check. I get it. Not everyone has to see the future to be a part of it. These investors keep the world spinning. If you are one of these incredible people, thank you.

When it comes to investing these days, there is no shortage of interesting startups, technologies, or visions to consider. There are countless options to choose from.  Deciding on which ones to help grow – that can be quite a challenge. Ideas, the team, the ability to execute, the market size and growth potential of the market – the list of factors to consider is endless. Clearly, there’s no one factor that guarantees success.

Understanding the vision is critical. Faith in the idea is also critical. Trust in the ability of the thinkers behind the ideas to bring that vision to life is crucial. It is these elements which transform the investor into the partner, the collaborator, the trusted ally.

I’ve spent much of my career in the entertainment & technology sector. I’ve headed-up R&D efforts at Lucasfilm, Ltd. THX and the Sony 3D Technology Center, I’ve produced films for every major film studio in Hollywood, and I’ve worked in the interactive and gaming space. It’s been amazing.

I’ve been a bit sheltered from the “real world” that I helped to make a little more entertaining, since the environments in which I worked protected us from having to deal directly with investors – that was up to the various business development executives I worked with. I was able to explore, invent, design and play with some pretty amazing ideas and technologies without ever having to think about structuring the next investment round or rustling up new investors. In that sense, things were quite easy for me, and I have all of those hard working executives to thank for that.

These relationships were based on trust, and trust is what gave us the opportunities to find our successes, often after strings of failure after failure. It’s been said that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and that has certainly been true in my work. It’s the missteps, the disagreements, the seemingly insurmountable obstacles that actually made for a better end result, and quite frankly, made for a stronger bond of trust amongst those of us working together.

In my experience, trust allows for all sorts of good things, not the least of which is that the vision is not only understood, but is also protected – often from ourselves. It’s easy to tinker something to death. It happens all the time. Trusting in the vision helps us in finding the way through the forest so that we can still appreciate the trees along the way without feeling the need to chop them down.

I’m on a new quest, this time without shelter.


I’ve spent the past 18 months in stealth mode, redefining the entertainment experience. Sequestered in labs, fiddling with computers, constructing and deconstructing mockups. Experimenting with mountains of esoteric audio and video gear in anonymous warehouses, wearing a path into the carpet on my way back and forth to the drawing board countless times. The experience, in a word, has been thrilling. Honestly thrilling. The vision is solid.

Are you seeking something new and different in your investment portfolio? Something that isn’t only “outside the box”, but potentially re-defines the “box”?

If you are a visionary investor, let’s meet. Let’s talk about ways you can help bring an innovative new immersive digital entertainment platform to life. It’s not VR (the line for that is over there…) This is a truly connective social entertainment experience.

I’ve got quite a track record on past achievements, and I live, breathe, eat and sleep this new venture. I couldn’t be more passionate about this.

I’m looking for the visionary investor* partner who can imagine the future. I would love to hear your thoughts on how you’d help shape our new platform that will connect and entertain people around the world.


Let me know.


*accredited visionary investors only please